

This 隐私通知 applies to information collected on official 最全菠菜网院 (AACC) websites and mobile apps that we own and/or control, 由“协会的”标识.Edu”域名,包括WWW.协会的.edu. 为方便起见,可能会向第三方网站提供链接, 但这并不意味着AACC认可或控制其内容或政策. 我们建议用户查看每个网站的隐私声明.


  • 大学的目的是要求业务流程
  • 遵守联邦、州和地方法律
  • 报告要求
  • 认证和学位的验证
  • 法律授权和执法


AACC致力于保护您的在线和数据隐私. 本公告涵盖我们如何在本网站上收集和分享信息, 二级站点和移动应用程序. It offers an overview of our personal information handling practices and privacy protection measures.

Information 访问ed through AACC's mobile app is 使用d solely for college-related purposes, 我们采用安全措施防止未经授权的访问, 使用, 数据丢失或更改. 我们鼓励用户查看所访问网站的隐私声明. 通过使用AACC的网站或我们的移动应用程序, 您同意本隐私声明中所述的数据惯例.


At AACC, we work to responsibly handle and protect the personal data entrusted to us. 我们的网站, 可通过AACC移动应用程序访问, 可能包含在录取过程中收集的个人身份信息(PII), 登记, 礼品或聘用流程. 我们严格将PII用于这些目的, 通过访问控制和遵守学校政策来保护它, 程序和相关的联邦和州法律. We will retain your personal data only for so long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, 或法律另有规定或允许的.

AACC has the right to collect personal information from students and faculty for educational purposes and is the controller of all collected information in automated or manual formats (electronic and paper repositories). AACC collects personally identifiable information from employees for administrative purposes.

Personal information includes data that can be 使用d on its own to trace or identify a person. 这可能包括但不限于:

  • 名称(结合其他因素)
  • 完整的社会安全号码
  • 税务识别号
  • 完整的出生日期
  • 母亲的娘家姓
  • 工资信息
  • 护照信息
  • 生物识别信息
  • 驾驶执照号码, 州身份证号码, passport number or other individual identification number issued by a government agency

The AACC mobile application limits 访问 to personal information through appropriate authentication and authorization protocols. AACC不向第三方出售或共享非公开PII, 除非在正常业务过程中完成交易所必需, or as required by state or federal law or regulations such as the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA), Md. 代码,创. 箴言., § 4-101 et. seq.《最全菠菜网》(FERPA),美国,第20页.S.C. §1232g和34 CFR第99部分.


AACC网站根据您访问信息的请求收集信息, 参加教育项目或课程, pursue employment opportunities or engage in other services related to official college business. 收集的非个人信息可能包括:

  • 访问期间查看的内容
  • 访问日期和时间
  • 花在网站上的时间
  • 基于IP地址的访问者位置
  • 人口统计信息
  • 分配给访问者计算机的IP地址
  • 访问者正在使用的浏览器类型
  • 访问者链接到协会的的网站地址.edu

通过AACC移动应用程序, 访问AACC网站可能会收集和存储您访问网站的信息. 这些信息可以包括:

  • 您的互联网可访问IP地址
  • 协会的用户名
  • 用于访问AACC移动应用程序的操作系统和浏览器类型
  • 您访问我们网站的日期和时间
  • 您在本网站上访问的网页或服务


通过AACC移动应用程序访问的AACC网站使用浏览器cookie. A cookie is a small file placed on your computer by a website to help personalize your online experience. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. 您可以接受或拒绝cookies. 大多数浏览器会自动接受cookie, 但是如果你愿意的话,你可以修改你的浏览器设置来拒绝cookies. 如果您选择拒绝cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the AACC mobile application and AACC websites.


AACC collects and 使用s information about 使用r visits to allow the college to monitor website performance, make improvements to site navigation and content and better market to prospective students and other audiences. The college may also collect and 使用 PII provided by site visitors for educational programs (e.g.(与入学和经济援助有关)、行政目的(例如.g.(与就业有关)或大学参与(如.g.(参加大学赞助的活动). 我们有时可能会出于其他合法和特定目的处理其他PII. 当这些情况发生时, 我们将尽力通知用户此类不定期的处理活动.

Our legal basis for processing the PII described relies on one or more of the following:

  • 我们的合法权益
  • 这是和你签订合同的必要条件
  • 你的同意
  • 必须遵守我们的法律义务(如财务援助报告)


PII about enrolled students is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 由美国管理.S. 教育部. 审查AACC的FERPA政策


AACC's goal is to protect your personal information through a system of organizational and technical security measures. The college will take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the information you share with us from unauthorized 访问 or disclosure. 学院努力实施安全措施,保护损失, 滥用和更改所收集的资料. 学院有计算机安全政策.

We have implemented appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process. 然而, 尽管我们采取了安全措施和努力来保护您的信息, no electronic transmission over the internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. 因此, 我们不能承诺或保证黑客, cybercriminals or other unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security and improperly collect, 访问, 窃取或修改您的信息. 虽然我们会尽力保护您的个人信息, 在我们的服务中传输个人信息的风险由您自行承担. 您应该只在安全的环境中访问服务. 最后,发送到大学电子邮件地址的电子邮件也会被拦截. 通过电话或U.S. 如果您不希望以电子方式提供个人信息,请以邮件方式提供.


儿童在线隐私保护法案(COPPA), 15 U.S.C. § 6501 et. seq. 和16 CFR Part 312, includes certain requirements for operators of websites and/or online services in order to protect the privacy and online safety of children under 13 years of age. AACC does not knowingly collect information or create profiles for children under the age of 13 to AACC’s website or the AACC mobile application.

欧盟通用数据保护条例(EU GDPR)

Individuals located in Europe should 使用 the web services contact information listed below to request information or act based on the rights granted under GDPR. The college will assist you in learning more about what we do with your PII and the purpose for which it is 使用d as well as obtaining copies of the information we have about you. 除了, you can have incorrect information corrected or have information deleted if its storage is impermissible, 不再需要, 或不受GDPR的任何例外. We reserve the right to deny a request if we believe the change will violate any law or legal requirement. 最全菠菜网时, we may ask you to verify your identity in order to help us validate and respond to your request. 


AACC可能会不时更新本隐私声明以反映机构, 监管和客户反馈. AACC encourages you to periodically review this statement to be informed of how the college is protecting your information. 如果我们对本隐私声明做出重大修改, we will notify you via a notice on the website and/or by highlighting material changes in this notice. 本私隐声明最后修订日期载于本页上方. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to 使用 our website. Continued 使用 of this website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes.


最全菠菜网院 (AACC) is the owner of its websites and mobile applications.

If there are questions or comments regarding this Privacy Statement, contact AACC at webservices@协会的.edu. 能够回复您的请求, we may need to ask you for further identification data to be 使用d only for the purpose of replying to your request. 学院地址:
